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High-End Highway Crested Gecko


Name: Balder

Sex: Unsexed (No Pores Seen)

Size: 3g

Morph: Proven Highway Line (Proabable 3rd allele in the Sables/Cappuccinos complex)

Parents: Boaz x Insanity


I figured I’d take this opportunity to provide a bit more information on the Highway gene. One of our best friends, @epimorphsgeckos, got into the hobby several years ago. In August 2018, he sent me photos of some hatchlings (now known as Boaz and Toothless) that looked quite unusual. However, we didn’t think much of it at the time since Cappuccinos and Sables hadn’t been identified yet. Their dorsal pattern was unique—something I had never seen in any other gecko. It looked like it was being torn apart vertically, with lines stretching in a vertical direction. He had acquired the female that produced these hatchlings at a reptile expo in Orlando, Florida, in 2017 from a local breeder.


Fast forward a couple of years to when Cappuccinos had been identified. Another breeder named Omni Geckos noticed that they might have one in their collection. They set out to prove it and ended up producing a Super Form from their Highway line. However, this gecko didn’t look like a typical Super Cappuccino. It was more gray, had visible striping on its tail, and had normal eyes/irises. Since then, this line has been crossed with known Cappuccinos from RCK in Korea by various breeders. The Super Forms from these crossings also don’t resemble typical Super Capps. They retain the striped pattern on their tails, and their irises/eyes are normal. No spectacle eyes have been observed in any Capp to Highway Supers.


Now, this is where things get interesting! I remembered that my friend Robbie at Epimorphs Geckos had some geckos that seemed to have traits similar to a Cappuccino. I reached out to him to get updated photos of Boaz and Toothless. To my surprise, they looked nothing like their hatchling photos. They had hatched with quite a bit of dorsal and lateral pattern, but as adults, their dorsal pattern had faded, making them look like empty backs, and the lateral pattern was all but gone! "How could these be the same geckos?" I asked him. He was insistent that they were.


Moving on, I was aware of Omni Geckos' line and remembered that their geckos didn’t quite look like Cappuccinos or what Capps looked like at the time, so I reached out to them. It turns out they are local to Florida and had acquired their gecko, Highway, at the same reptile expo in Orlando in 2017. Aha! I thought. I wondered if Epimorphs Geckos and Omni Geckos got their geckos from the same breeder at the same expo. After doing some investigative work I found out that yes, indeed, they did! With Epimorphs Geckos & Omni Geckos help, we were able to narrow it down to a breeder named Gourmet Rodent. Unfortunately, they are no longer around but we are working with the past managers of the company to get some additional answers.


There are currently several breeders working on figuring out if this gene is the same as a Sable or a 3rd allele in the Capp Complex. The evidence is looking like its a 3rd allele which is exciting!


• Feeding on Repashy, Pangea and Dubias.

• 7 day health guarantee

• Correlophus ciliatus


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